Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Woman of Inspiration, My Idol!

I honestly can't remember a time I wasn't enchanted by former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy's ways. Everything about her phased me as fabulous and sophisticated. From being a debutante, to being a courageous mother and wife, she was always a person I found myself admiring and looking up to. I have an extensive library of books about her life and the life of her family. Those who know me well know that I often grab another book about her whenever I stop by Barnes & Noble. To me, there's always something more I could learn :) I remember doing four biographical papers about her through my academic career, and as I got older the intense research required of me for these papers got deeper and deeper, and therefore more exciting for me. Jackie O' was an amazing woman, a woman who was filled with courage and valor, and I can only hope to be like her one day!

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