"Obviously, if I was serious about having a relationship with some one long-term, the last people I would introduce him to would be my family."-Chelsea Handler |
"My relationship with my father had been on the proverbial fritz since the time I was fifteen and called the police to report him for child molesting. He had never molested me, but I wanted to have a party that weekend and needed him out of the house."-Chelsea Handler |
"I went out with a guy who once told me I didn’t need to drink to make myself more fun to be around. I told him, I’m drinking so that you’re more fun to be around."-Chelsea Handler |
Chelsea Handler, Chelsea handler, where do I even begin lol Well aside from having a pretty hilarious night time show, where she refers to Belvedere Vodka at least 5 times per interview, she is also a NY Times Best Seller!!! I have always found it hard to find a comedian that really cracks me up, and let me just say she is surely one of them haha I decided to start this year off purchasing a few new books, and took it upon myself to decide that comedy was going to be the genre for January. As I perused through bunches of books in the biographical section, I found something that was a great mix of both, almost as perfect as a mix of lemonade and iced tea, Chelsea Handler books! Needless to say, when I know I'm going to be purchasing a lot of books at once, I always order from amazon, because it comes out cheaper, why pay cover price right?! It took me just short of two weeks to finish reading both of her books!
My Horizontal Life is a comedic book based on all of her one night stands, and boy she was one wild Jewish girl I'll tell you that much lol
Are You There Vodka, It's Me Chelsea, is another book that had me cracking up! This one is about various things she went through in her life that were just too funny. One of them I remember was about her getting jumped by a bunch of Latina school girls haha I can't wait to start reading her latest book
Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang ! All in all I would definitely recommend these books to anyone who enjoys her show and her sense of humor, as it is very much brought out in her writing as well :)
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