Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ladies, Take Care of Your Lady Lumps!

It's almost that time of the year, Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October). For a lot of people, the only time you get educated or involved in becoming proactive in the prevention of Breast Cancer is during this month. It's hard to escape right? All the pink ribbons everywhere, the town walks raising money for Breast Cancer Research--and the occasional story told about someone who lost a loved one to the viscous disease. Being completely honest, I myself haven't been the most concerned with doing the mammogram tests (they hurt!) or doing a self breast exam in the shower following one of those cards that you hang on your shower head. In fact, I have been pretty bad when it comes to things like this, and for this I am truly disappointed in myself. I am going to attempt to redeem myself, however, by getting checked this month and being consistent with eating healthy, something I have been doing a lot lately thank goodness :)

As I mentioned above, eating healthy is key when trying to protect your body from ANY disease, Breast Cancer included. Now I am not stating that if you eat 100% Organic healthy foods, you are 100% safe from this disease, but it's certainly a start and a good one at that.

Eating healthy is simpler than you think--don't get discouraged by the common misconception that you have to eat tons of vegetables and fruits ONLY.

Breastcancer.org states that:
"Diet is thought to be partly responsible for about 30% to 40% of all cancers. Some foods can make your body the healthiest it can be, boost your immune system, and help keep your risk for breast cancer as low as possible. Research has shown that getting the nutrients you need from a variety of foods, especially fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, can make you feel your best and give your body the energy it needs. Eating food grown without pesticides may protect against unhealthy cell changes associated with pesticide use in animal studies."
 You can start by doing a few simple things to up your "health factor" as far as diet:

1. Opt for skim or low fat milk as opposed to whole milk
2. Be sure if consuming meat to trim all of the excess fat and avoid processed meats as much as possible!
3. Bake or Broil foods instead of frying.
4. Only buy healthy snacks, you will only be able to eat what's on hand, remember that! :)
5. Whenever possible- BUY ORGANIC! (I know this may be more $, but remember its a small investment for your health!)

Breastcancer.org states again on the note of eating organic that:
"There's a real concern that chemicals used to grow food may cause health problems, including an increase in breast cancer risk. To reduce your exposure to pesticides, you might want to buy organically grown food or organically produced dairy products."
 Eating organic can be super yummy and fun--don't think any different ladies and gents! Below is a link for an AMAZING Banana Split Parfait using organic products--its SUPER SIMPLE too! This and more recipes can be found on the Breast Cancer Org. Website at : www.breastcancer.org .

Banana Split Parfait Recipe: http://www.breastcancer.org/risk/organic_living/recipes/banana_parfait.jsp

I would like to end on a bright note and say that early detection saves lives every single day. Don't put something so important on the back burner. I hope that you take the opportunity at least once this coming October month to do something proactive to help prevent yourself from becoming a victim to Breast Cancer, even if it is just eating healthier :)

Wishing you all healthy "bubbies" ,


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